
Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777: Which One is Better?

We’re going to compare two amazing airplanes: The Airbus A380 Vs Boeing 777. These planes come from two big companies, Airbus and Boeing, that are always trying to outdo each other. We’ll look at the Airbus A380, known for being really big and carrying lots of passengers, and the Boeing 777, which is famous for using less fuel and flying long distances. Let’s find out how these two planes are different and what makes each of them special in the world of flying.

Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777

The Airbus A380 Vs Boeing 777 stand as giants in the aviation world, each with distinct attributes. The A380, known for its unparalleled capacity, holds the title of the largest passenger airliner, accommodating up to 853 passengers. It symbolizes luxury in air travel with its spacious double-deck layout. In contrast, the Boeing 777, the world’s largest twinjet, marries capacity with efficiency, seating up to 396 passengers and excelling in fuel economy and range. While the A380 caters to high-volume routes with its size, the 777 offers airlines greater operational flexibility and cost-effectiveness, making both aircraft key players in long-haul travel.

Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777
Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777

Check out our comparison of the Airbus A350 vs Boeing 777 to see how they differ.

FeatureAirbus A380Boeing 777
Passenger CapacityUp to 853Up to 396
Range8,000 nautical milesUp to 8,555 nautical miles
Engines4 (GP7200 or Trent 900)2 (GE90-115B)
Typical UseLong-haul, high capacityLong-haul, efficiency
First FlightApril 27, 2005June 12, 1994
IntroductionOctober 25, 2007June 7, 1995
Table Comparison Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777

Airbus A380

Airbus A380
Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 holds the title of being the world’s largest and heaviest commercial airliner. Measuring 73 meters in length and 24 meters in height, it boasts an impressive takeoff weight of up to 560 tons. Configured by Lufthansa, the A380 can accommodate 509 passengers, powered by four robust Rolls-Royce engines, each delivering 70,000 pounds of thrust – a power output equivalent to about 3,500 cars. Environmentally, the A380 sets new standards too. It’s notably quieter than many other aircraft, more fuel-efficient, and is equipped with advanced technology that allows it to automatically apply brakes after landing, showcasing its intelligent design.

Boeing 777

Boeing 777
Boeing 777

The Boeing 777, known as the ‘Triple Seven‘, made its debut in the aviation world with its first flight in 1994. Developed by Boeing to meet airline demands, it stands out as the world’s largest twinjet. The 777 set new industry benchmarks with its advanced features like fly-by-wire controls and powerful engines, quickly becoming a favorite for long-haul routes due to its exceptional efficiency, range, and passenger comfort. This aircraft has firmly established itself as a cornerstone in modern commercial aviation.

Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777 Engines

The Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 are powered by some really impressive engines, but they’re quite different.

Airbus A380 Engine

Airbus A380 can have two types of engines: the Engine Alliance GP7200 or the Rolls-Royce Trent 900. It needs four of these big engines to fly. The GP7200 can produce up to 81,500 pounds of thrust, and the Trent 900 up to 80,000 pounds. These engines are strong but also smart – they’re made to use less fuel and make less noise, which is great for such a huge plane that flies really far.

Boeing 777 Engine

Boeing 777 usually uses GE90 engines, and the newest models, called 777X, use the GE9X, which is the most powerful jet engine in the world right now. The 777 only has two engines, but they’re super strong. The GE90-115B engine can push with up to 115,300 pounds of thrust. The GE9X is a bit less but still powerful at around 105,000 pounds. These engines are special because they help the plane fly really far without using too much fuel. This is good for saving money and is better for the environment.

So, the Airbus A380’s four engines are all about carrying lots of people over long distances, while the Boeing 777’s two powerful engines focus on being more efficient and cost-effective.

Fuel Comparison: Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777

When looking at how much fuel the Airbus A380 vs Boeing 777 use, the Boeing 777 is a bit better at saving fuel. It uses about 2.9 liters of fuel for every 100 kilometers for each person on board. The Airbus A380 uses a little more, about 3.1 liters for the same distance and number of passengers. This means the Boeing 777 is good for saving money on fuel and is better for the environment.

Airbus A380 Fuel Capacity

The Airbus A380 can hold up to 320,000 liters of fuel. A380 is known for a higher fuel burn due to its larger size and four-engine configuration. On average, the A380 consumes about 3.1 liters of fuel per 100 passenger kilometers, a figure that varies based on load and distance. Airbus A380 best suited for high-density routes, the A380’s fuel usage is more economical when the aircraft is close to full passenger capacity, distributing the fuel cost over a larger number of passengers.

Boeing 777 Fuel Capacity

Fuel Capacity is depending on the model, the 777’s fuel capacity ranges from about 117,340 liters for the 777-200ER to 181,280 liters for the 777-200LR. The Boeing 777 is celebrated for its fuel efficiency, particularly in the twin-engine configuration. It consumes less fuel per passenger compared to the A380, with estimates around 2.9 liters per 100 passenger kilometers for newer models. The Boeing 777 is ideally suited for a wide variety of routes. Its efficiency is particularly evident in both long and medium-haul flights, making it a cost-effective option for airlines in terms of fuel expenses.

The Airbus A380, with its large fuel capacity and consumption, is tailored for major, high-volume routes where its capacity can offset the higher fuel use. In contrast, the Boeing 777, with its efficient fuel usage, serves as a versatile workhorse for airlines, capable of operating various routes economically. This difference in fuel economy plays a significant role in how airlines choose to deploy these aircraft on their networks.

Dimensions Comparison

In terms of size the Airbus A380 is much bigger than the Boeing 777. It has a very large wingspan of 79.8 meters and is 72.7 meters long, which shows it has two decks. The Boeing 777, with a wingspan ranging from 60.9 to 71.8 meters and a length varying between 63.7 to 76.7 meters, is smaller, designed for aerodynamic efficiency.

Capacity Comparison

In terms of capacity, the A380 is a giant, typically seating 555 passengers and able to accommodate up to 853 in an all-economy layout. The 777, while offering a more modest capacity ranging from 314 to 396 in a standard three-class configuration, can carry up to 550 passengers in a high-density setup.

Performance Comparison

Performance-wise, the Boeing 777-200LR boasts a longer range of up to 8,555 nautical miles, surpassing the A380’s 8,000 nautical miles. The 777 achieves this with just two engines, making it more fuel-efficient. The A380, though capable of long-haul flights, is less efficient due to its larger size and the need for four engines.


Airbus A380 and Boeing 777 have played pivotal roles in shaping long-haul air travel. The A380 stands out for its sheer size and passenger capacity, offering a unique flying experience. In contrast, the Boeing 777 excels in efficiency, range, and versatility, making it a favorite for many airlines. The choice between these two aircraft depends on specific airline needs, route structures, and passenger demand. Regardless, both remain iconic symbols of modern aviation’s impressive capabilities.


Which aircraft is bigger, the A380 or the 777?

The Airbus A380 is bigger, with a double-deck configuration.

Can the A380 fly longer distances than the 777?

The Boeing 777, specifically the 777-200LR, has a slightly longer range than the A380.

Which plane is more fuel-efficient?

The Boeing 777 is generally considered more fuel-efficient, especially newer models like the 777X.

Which aircraft is more popular with airlines?

The Boeing 777 has seen more widespread adoption, partly due to its operational efficiency and flexibility.

Are both aircraft still in production?

As of my last update, Airbus announced the end of A380 production by 2021, while Boeing continues to produce variants of the 777.

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