Airbus A330 vs A350 : A Detailed Comparison

In the realm of long-haul air travel, Airbus has introduced two significant models: the Airbus A330 vs A350. Both aircraft have garnered attention for their performance, design, and technology, offering unique advantages to airlines and passengers alike. This article delves into a detailed comparison between the Airbus A330 and A350, exploring how these two models stand apart in the competitive world of aviation.

The Airbus A330 vs A350 both are popular wide-body aircraft used for long-haul flights, but they differ in several key aspects. The A350 is newer, featuring advanced technology, greater fuel efficiency, and a longer range of up to 16,112 km compared to the A330’s 13,334 km. The A350 typically has a 3-3-3 economy class layout, offering more space and comfort, while the A330 usually has a 2-4-2 configuration. The A350 also has a higher maximum passenger capacity of 480 compared to the A330’s 460. Despite its higher cost, the A350 is preferred for longer and more demanding routes, whereas the A330 remains a cost-effective choice for medium to long-haul flights.

Airbus A330 vs A350

When looking at the Airbus A330 vs A350, they’re both awesome for long trips but are a bit different from each other. The A330-900 is shorter than the A350-1000. The A330-900 can fit about 460 passengers, but the A350-1000 has room for up to 480 people. Inside, the A350-1000 has more room because it’s longer, a bit wider, and taller. It also has a bigger wingspan. This means it can carry more stuff and more water. Plus, it can fly farther than the A330-900, which is really handy for super long flights. And it can carry more weight when taking off and landing. So, if you need to fly a lot of people a long way, the A350-1000 is probably a better choice because it’s got more space and can go longer distances. Check out our comparison of the Airbus A350 vs A380 to see how they differ.

Airbus A330 Vs A350
Airbus A330 Vs A350
Airbus A330 vs A350 Comparison

Airbus A330

The Airbus A330 is a special kind of airplane that comes in four different versions, each designed for a specific kind of journey. These four variants are the A330-900, A330-800, A330-200, and A330-300. Each one has its own unique features, but they all share the same great design that makes the A330 so popular. The A330-900 and A330-800 are the newer versions, offering the latest technology and more efficiency for airlines.

Airbus A330
Airbus A330

On the other hand, the A330-200 and A330-300 have been around a bit longer, but they’re known for their reliability and comfort. This variety means that airlines can pick the perfect A330 for their needs, whether they’re flying shorter distances or going on longer international flights. The A330 family is like a toolbox, with a plane for every kind of trip.

Airbus A350

The Airbus A350 is a modern marvel in the sky, and it’s part of the Airbus A350 family, which includes four different variants. The most well-known ones are the A350-900 and the A350-1000. This plane is all about making long flights as comfortable as possible. It’s got a lot of space inside, big windows, and special lighting, all designed to make passengers feel relaxed and happy, even on the longest journeys.

Airbus A350
Airbus A350

The A350-900 is great for airlines because it can fly really far without using too much fuel, which is good for both the environment and the airline’s budget. The A350-1000 is a bit bigger, so it can carry more people or go even longer distances. Both of these planes use some really advanced technology to make sure they are safe, comfortable, and efficient.

Airbus A330 vs A350 Size

When comparing the a330 vs a350 size, there are notable differences between the two families of aircraft, which cater to different operational needs. The A330 series includes the A330-200, A330-300, and A330-900neo. The A350 family comprises the A350-900 and A350-1000.

Airbus A330 vs A350 Size

Comparison Paragraph

When comparing the a330 vs a350 size, there are notable differences between the two families of aircraft, which cater to different operational needs. The A330 series includes the A330-200, A330-300, and A330-900neo. The A350 family comprises the A350-900 and A350-1000.

In an **a330 size comparison

A330 vs A350 Seating

The Airbus A330 and A350 are both popular wide-body aircraft, but they differ significantly in terms of seating arrangements. The A330, typically configured with a 2-4-2 layout in economy class, offers a slightly more compact seating arrangement. It’s been a favorite for medium to long-haul flights, providing a comfortable experience for passengers with a good balance of capacity and efficiency. On the other hand, the A350, known for its advanced design and technology, usually features a 3-3-3 layout in economy class. This configuration allows for more seats and often provides a bit more space and comfort, thanks to its wider cabin. The A350 also boasts quieter interiors and larger windows, enhancing the overall passenger experience. Both aircraft are designed to offer comfort, but the A350 tends to provide a more modern and spacious feel, making it a preferred choice for longer international flights.

Airbus A330 vs A350 Engines

When comparing the engines of the Airbus A330 and A350, it’s like looking at two different generations of technology. Both aircraft are popular choices in the aviation industry, but their engines have distinct characteristics that set them apart.

Airbus A330 Engine

The Airbus A330 typically uses engines from two major manufacturers: Rolls-Royce and General Electric. The Rolls-Royce Trent 700 is the most common choice, known for its reliability and efficiency. This engine was a significant advancement when it was introduced, offering better fuel efficiency and lower noise levels compared to its predecessors. The General Electric CF6-80E1 is another option, also praised for its performance and durability.

Key Features of A330 Engines

  • Reliability: Both engine types have a strong track record of dependable performance.
  • Fuel Efficiency: While not as advanced as newer engines, they were state-of-the-art at the time of their introduction.
  • Noise Reduction: Designed to reduce noise, making them suitable for airports with strict noise regulations.

Airbus A350 Engine

The A350 represents a leap forward in engine technology, exclusively using the Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engine. This engine is the most efficient in its class, designed specifically for the A350. It offers significant improvements in fuel consumption, emissions, and noise levels compared to older engine

Key Features of A350 Engines

  • Advanced Technology: Incorporates the latest advancements in aerodynamics, materials, and combustion.
  • Fuel Efficiency: Offers up to 25% better fuel efficiency compared to previous generation engines.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Lower CO2 emissions and reduced noise footprint.

Airbus A330 vs A350 Fuel Comparison

The Airbus A330 and A350 are both fuel-efficient aircraft, but they have some differences in their fuel usage and tank designs. while both aircraft are efficient, the A350 is more advanced in terms of fuel economy and tank design, making it a better choice for long-haul flights. The A330, though older, still offers good fuel efficiency and remains a solid option for many airlines.

Airbus A330 Fuel Capacity

  • Fuel Efficiency: The A330-300 model is quite fuel-efficient, burning about 6,000 kg of fuel per hour.
  • Range and Capacity: It can fly 11,750 km with 277 passengers, holding 139,090 liters of fuel.
  • Tank Locations: Fuel tanks are mainly in the wings, with some models having extra tanks in the fuselage.

Airbus A350 Fuel Capacity

  • Fuel Efficiency: The A350 is even more efficient, with the A350-1000 model burning 11% less fuel per seat than the Boeing 777-300ER. It uses about 2.39 L/100 km.
  • Cruise Performance: At cruising speed and altitude, it uses around 6.8 tonnes of fuel per hour over a range of 5,400 nautical miles.
  • Tank Locations: The A350 has three main fuel tanks – one below the fuselage and two in the wings.

Cabins And Capacity

The Airbus A350 generally offers higher passenger and cargo capacities compared to the A330, making it a more versatile choice for airlines that need to maximize both passenger and cargo transport. The A350’s larger water volume also suggests better accommodation for longer flights.

The Airbus A350 can accommodate more passengers, with a maximum seating capacity of 480, compared to the A330’s 460. In a typical three-class configuration, the A350 holds between 350 and 410 passengers, while the A330 fits between 260 and 300. This makes the A350 a preferable choice for airlines looking to transport more passengers on high-demand routes.

Airbus A330 vs A350 Cabins & Capacity

In terms of cargo, the A350 also leads with a capacity of 44 LD3 containers under the floor, compared to the A330’s 33. Additionally, the A350 can carry up to 14 pallets under the floor, whereas the A330 can carry 9 pallets plus 5 LD3 containers. This extra cargo capacity is beneficial for airlines that prioritize both passenger and cargo transport.

The A350 also has a larger water volume capacity of 264 cubic meters, compared to the A330’s 215 cubic meters, which can be an advantage for longer flights requiring more onboard amenities.

Comparison of Airbus A330 and A350 Performance

The Airbus A350 generally outperforms the A330 in several key areas. It can fly farther, with a range of 16,112 km compared to the A330’s 13,334 km. This makes the A350 better for longer flights. The A350 is also slightly faster, cruising at a top speed of M0.89, while the A330’s top speed is M0.86.

Range And Performance

In terms of size and weight, the A350 is bigger. It can carry more weight both when taking off (319 tonnes) and landing (236 tonnes) than the A330, which has a maximum take-off weight of 251 tonnes and a landing weight of 191 tonnes. The A350 can also hold more fuel, with a capacity of 164,000 liters, compared to the A330’s 139,090 liters. This larger fuel tank helps the A350 travel longer distances.

Airbus A330 vs A350 Price Comparison

When comparing the prices of the Airbus A330 and A350, there’s a noticeable difference, with the A350 being more expensive. The A350, particularly the A350-1000 model, was priced at US$366.5 million in 2018. This is higher than the A350-900 model, which cost US$317.4 million. The higher price of the A350 is due to its advanced technology and larger size.

In contrast, the Airbus A330 series is less expensive. In 2024, the A330-200 model cost US$238.5 million, the A330-300 was priced at US$264.2 million, and the A330-200F, a freighter version, was US$241.7 million. These lower prices make the A330 a more affordable option for many airlines.

Pricing Table

Airbus A330 vs A350 Price

The Airbus A350 models are more expensive than the A330 models. The A350’s higher price reflects its newer technology and greater capabilities. The A330, while older, offers a more budget-friendly option for airlines, especially those not requiring the extended range and capacity of the A350.


The Airbus A350 and A330 are both exceptional aircraft, each catering to different needs in the aviation industry. The A350 stands out with its advanced technology, greater fuel efficiency, longer range, and higher capacity, both in terms of passengers and cargo. However, these advantages come at a higher cost. On the other hand, the A330, while older, offers a more cost-effective solution with respectable performance, making it suitable for airlines focusing on shorter to medium-haul routes. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific requirements and budget constraints of the airline.


Which aircraft is more fuel-efficient, the A330 or the A350?

The A350 is more fuel-efficient than the A330.

What is the range difference between the A330 and A350?

The A350 has a longer range, capable of flying up to 16,112 km, compared to the A330’s 13,334 km.

Which aircraft has a higher passenger capacity?

The A350 can carry more passengers, with a maximum seating capacity of 480, compared to the A330’s 460.

Are there significant price differences between the A330 and A350?

Yes, the A350 models are generally more expensive than the A330 models.

Which aircraft is better for long-haul flights?

The A350 is better suited for long-haul flights due to its extended range and larger fuel capacity.

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