
Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787 | Speed, Design, Capacity

In the world of modern aviation, two aircraft have drawn significant attention for their innovation and performance: the Airbus A350 Vs Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Both aircraft represent the pinnacle of technological advancements in the aerospace industry, each bringing unique features and capabilities to the table. This article explores a detailed comparison of these two remarkable aircraft.

Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787

Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787
Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787

The Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner are both great planes, but they’re a bit different. The A350 is bigger and really good at saving fuel, so it’s great for long trips with lots of people. The 787, also known as the Dreamliner, is really comfy for passengers, especially on very long flights, and it’s good at saving fuel too. The A350 is often chosen by airlines for carrying more people, while the 787 is picked for its comfort and cost-saving on fuel. Both planes are modern and eco-friendly, but they each have their own special things that make them stand out.

Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787 Comaprison Table

Airbus A350

The Airbus A350, known as the ‘Extra Wide Body’ or XWB, first flew in 2013 and is a big step forward in making planes. Airbus made it to answer the need for planes that can go far but don’t use a lot of fuel. It’s meant to be a strong competitor to similar Boeing jets. What’s special about the A350 is how it’s made – it uses advanced stuff like carbon-fiber to make the plane lighter and save on fuel. Airlines all over the world started using it quickly because it’s good at saving fuel while still being comfortable for people to fly in.


Flying on the Airbus A350 is a great experience, even for really long trips. Its design gives you a feeling of space and comfort with big seats, high ceilings, and nice, soft lighting. The A350 comes in three types: the A350-900, the A350-1000 which is a bit longer, and the A350F Freighter for carrying cargo. These planes are good for all kinds of flights, whether they’re short or super long, up to 9,700 nautical miles. The A350-900 and A350-1000 are for passengers, fitting between 300 to 410 people in different seat layouts, and can even fit up to 480 people if it’s all economy class. The A350F is specially made for moving goods around.

Boeing 787

Boeing 787
Boeing 787

The Boeing 787, also known as the Dreamliner, is a really cool plane that changed the way we think about flying. It first came out in 2011 and was special because it used new technology to make flying better for everyone. The 787 is made with special materials that make it lighter and use less fuel, which is good for the environment. Passengers love this plane because it has big windows and a more comfortable cabin with better air, which helps people feel less tired on long flights. Airlines like it too because it can fly really far without needing to stop and doesn’t cost as much to run. The Dreamliner has different sizes, but all of them are designed to make flying a better experience for everyone.

Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787 Engines

Airbus A350 Engine

The Airbus A350 is equipped with the unique Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines, specifically designed for this model. These engines are celebrated for their exceptional efficiency, making them a standout in the Rolls-Royce Trent series, especially in terms of fuel savings — a big plus for the environment. Not only do they help the A350 fly long distances with less fuel, but they also pack a lot of power.

Additionally, these engines feature 22 blades and have a large fan diameter of 3.00 meters (about 118 inches), contributing to their high performance and efficiency. This combination of power and design makes the Trent XWB engines a crucial factor in the A350’s ability to balance long-range travel with fuel economy.

Boeing 787 Engine

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner offers a choice between two advanced engines: the General Electric GEnx and the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000. Both are designed to enhance the 787’s fuel efficiency and reduce its environmental impact. These engines are also known for their quiet operation, which is a big plus for passengers and communities near airports.

Boeing 787 Engine
Boeing 787 Engine

In terms of power, the GEnx engine can produce up to 76,100 pounds of thrust, while the Trent 1000 delivers up to 78,000 pounds. This power, combined with their advanced technology, allows airlines to select the best engine option for their specific needs, ensuring efficient and effective performance for the Dreamliner on various routes.

Fuel Average and Tank Capacity

The Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner both have special ways of handling fuel. The Airbus A350 can carry a lot of fuel, up to 164,000 liters, with tanks under the main body and in the wings. This means it can fly really far without stopping for more fuel. On the other side, the Boeing 787 can hold about 126,917 liters, which is a bit less than the A350. One interesting thing about the 787 is that it only has a fuel control panel in one wing, the left one. Both planes are good at using fuel wisely, but the A350’s bigger tank lets it go longer distances without refueling, while the 787, with its smaller tank, is still great for long flights and saving fuel.

Airbus A350 vs Boeing 787 Pricing

  • Airbus A350-1000: $355.7 million
  • Boeing 787-10: $338.4 million

When it comes to buying prices, the Boeing 787-10 is a bit cheaper at $338.4 million compared to the Airbus A350-1000, which costs $355.7 million. This difference in cost can be important for airlines. If an airline doesn’t need to fly really far or carry loads of passengers like a bigger plane can, then saving money becomes key. So, if the flight distance is not too long and there aren’t too many passengers to fly, the less expensive Boeing 787-10 might be a better pick for an airline because it helps them save some cash.


In the dynamic landscape of modern aviation, the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 stand out as two formidable contenders, each bringing its own strengths to the skies. The A350 impresses with its sleek design, cutting-edge technology, and exceptional fuel efficiency. It’s the go-to choice for airlines seeking a versatile and eco-friendly solution for long-haul journeys. On the other hand, the Boeing 787, with its innovative Dreamliner series, offers a blend of efficiency, passenger comfort, and flexibility. The choice between these giants ultimately boils down to the specific needs and priorities of airlines, whether it’s about maximizing range, minimizing operational costs, or enhancing the passenger experience. As the aviation industry continues to evolve, the A350 and 787 will undoubtedly play pivotal roles in shaping the future of air travel.


Which aircraft is more fuel-efficient, the Airbus A350 or Boeing 787?

Both the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 are renowned for their fuel efficiency. The exact comparison may vary based on specific configurations, but they are designed with advanced materials and aerodynamics to reduce fuel consumption.

What is the primary focus of the Airbus A350?

The Airbus A350 is known for its efficiency and range. It is a preferred choice for long-haul routes, offering airlines a balance between fuel savings and operational costs.

hich aircraft is better for passenger comfort, the A350 or Boeing 787?

Both the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 prioritize passenger comfort. The Boeing 787, with its Dreamliner series, is often lauded for its innovative features aimed at enhancing the overall travel experience.

Can the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 fly long distances?

es, both aircraft are capable of flying long distances. The A350 and 787 are designed for long-haul operations, providing airlines with the capability to connect distant destinations.

Are the Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 suitable for different types of airlines?

Yes, the A350 and 787 cater to a range of airline needs. The A350 offers versatility and efficiency, while the 787 emphasizes a balance between efficiency and passenger comfort. Airlines choose based on their specific operational requirements.

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